In the mist of the 21st century, any disconnection to the world can cause a major
In the mist of the 21st century, any disconnection to the world can cause a major
This case study is about Dick Spencer, Vice President of a large manufacturing firm, Tri-American Corporation. He was also a plant manager of Modrow company, the Canadian branch of the corporation. Tri-American is mainly focused on the production of aluminum and other aluminum related operations. The company has wholly-owned subsidiaries in five United States locations as well as foreign affiliates in fifteen different countries.…
In Dave Egger text “Serve or Fail”, argues that college students should be required to volunteer in community service. Egger explains that college is too short to sit back and waste their time with no commitments to any activities in the community. In his college days, Egger became a professional at various sports, but later in life; he wonders about the impact he could have done for his community instead wasting time playing sports. He also argues that volunteer hours can be counted as credits not just for the requirement. He supports his argument by showing the statistics of how many hours that students could do in exchange for one class credit. Students can spend times outside of class and they might learn more in…
Cited: Youth in Action. (1998, September). Retrieved August 25, 2012, from What is A Good Meeting:…
Dave Eggers is an author, editor, and publisher who suggests that college students should be required to attend public service. In Eggers’ excerpt “Serve or Fail” he backs up his proposal with his own experiences such as how he had benefited from the public services he had attended. Within the excerpt Eggers also explains how having college students attend public services is a great idea especially since the students have maturity, have time, and gain exposure. Although I agree with Eggers that students have maturity for public services, he fails to recognize that not every student has time.…
The components of citizenship, community service, academics, work and home life, and extracurricular actives help me shine as a well-rounded individual. As an involved and caring citizen in the Union Township community, I do my best to make my mark. Displaying a good role as a citizen through community service has been a value I possessed ever since I could remember. At a young age, I started to serve my community with my parents at both school and church events and it has stuck with me since. Through community service such as being an assistant teacher in St. Veronica’s Religious Education Program, Glen Este High School’s member of National Honors Society, and Key Club, I not only helped out Union Township but I have also made new relationships and feel good about myself. Community service always makes me feel better because I know I’m helping others and making my mark through the friends I have made through both of these service programs.…
At the start of high school, I learned that all students at my school were expected to perform sixty hours of community service before graduating. I hoped that my time would be well used, and that I could create a noticeable difference in someone else's life.…
The Rules of Engagement are believed to keep our country from crossing the lines against other countries that we are at war with! I believe that these rules need to be changed. The Rules of Engagement is a set of rules put out towards the armed forces to whether they should engage or not on a target (Gilmore). The armed forces should be able to make their own decisions. The troops should be able to react in a split second, instead of thinking can I engage? Next is a troop can not engage on an enemy who has surrendered, if the team or single person is in danger do not engage, also do not attack in civilian populated areas(Central Command). The troops overseas are fighting for our freedom. They should get the ok to show anyone or anything who…
Kennedy, K. J. (2000). Building civic capacity for a new century: Engaging young people in civic institutions and civil society. Asia Pacific Education Review, 1(1), 23-30.…
Without community service people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back. It creates a better society and helps improve one’s individuality. Community service carries a reward that is beyond the obvious and tangible. Volunteerism is no longer just a résumé padder for college applications; it has become a graduation requirement for high school students in hundreds of school districts across the nation. Some say that requiring students to volunteer as a part of the graduation requirement is a good experience and will increase their job skills. While others say that it should not be required because students will be unwilling to do the work. High school districts should require community service because keeps students busy and out of trouble, prepares students for the real world and enhances their job skills, and increases their chances of being chosen for some of the top universities.…
Prompt #1 (324 words): Jennifer Tilton in chapter 2 talks about a shift to a “voluntary state.” She goes on to explain that it was caused by a loss in public benefits in Oakland. The state of California had to reduced this budget to compensate for losses elsewhere. The loss in public benefits means nearly no funding for recreation parks and activity centers. This caused parents and concerned citizens to take action themselves. Tilton mainly focused on educating and keeping the children involved in extracurricular activities. With more free time after school and no extracurricular activities, people begin to think the worst. They believe that this is a recipe for kids to become uninterested in school and possibly become criminals. I personally think that the public should not have to be responsible for setting up extracurricular activities and events at local parks on their own. I will say that there are obviously some positive things that could come out of that. It would really bring a community together, everyone would build stronger relationships with their neighbor, and kids would have multiple role models to look up to among the community. Public financing should be made available to the community because honestly not a whole lot of middle class citizens and parents have unlimited amounts of time to volunteer, organize, and finance extracurricular activities and recreation events. As a community member one should want the best for their child's future and the future of all children in the community. I was glad to read about how the some neighborhoods took it upon themselves to help their children when the public funding was little to none. The NCPC wasn't just parents it was also concerned citizens and for the public to step up and take action was an amazing thing. Funding from the state of California or the city of Oakland would have tremendously helped out the volunteers that wanted a brighter future for the children of the…
“The only thing necessary for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing”- Edmund Burke. This quote can also show why students should get involved in their community. Stated before, many students do know what is going on in their community. However, few take the steps to change something that they think would help benefit the society. Every student thinks differently, so every student brings new ideas, reforms, and beliefs to the table. If students do what they think is right rather than hoping that another person would speak up and bring change, then there would be more variety of what to do and not confined to a few ideas.…
• ex parte Island Records Ltd [1978] 3 WLR 23: If a without notice injunction is sought, the applicant must depose to damage and urgency in the supporting affidavits…
In addition, voluntary community service is more encouraged than mandatory. In the graphic "Attitude Toward Offering Students a Chance to do Community Service to Earn Money for College, By Age", students were surveyed on whether or not they were in favor of doing community service for earning money for college. The survey was done from ages that ranged from 15-25 years old. Throughout the age range, the percentage of students who favor for community service to earn money or don't favor varied. However, those favorable remained high in the 80% while those unfavorable remained low in the 20%.…
The civil marriage and secular status debate is not new. However, the recent marriage of Khouloud and Nidal brought back the issue to the national spotlight. While this attempt is welcomed by many secular activists and youth groups, an outrage from Islamic institution is strongly contradicting and frightening. In her article “Lebanese’s Civil Marriage debate highlights sectarian rule (article number one),” Nada Akl supports civil marriage and considers it an opportunity to revisit the Lebanese personal status law. However, the Grand Mufti Mohamad Rashid Qabbani issues a fatwa against any move to legalize civil marriage in the country. The two activists tackle the topic from two opposing points of view, and Nada Akel succeeds more in effecting on the population and dragging them to her side.…
Civil marriage is a very controversial matter in the Middle East region. What’s marriage in the first place? Marriage is when two people are officially announced as a husband and wife in front of a group of people not opposing to this unity. The paper work is only proof of their marriage. Now a civil marriage is where the marriage ceremony has a government or a civil official perform the ceremony. It doesn’t require a religious ceremony or a religious authority. We can say that it is a marriage performance between one man and one woman,( sometimes it’s between a couple from the same sex) who has the capacity to enter in such an agreement, when each one of them promise the other to live together . This agreement recognized by government official that happens inside a court house.…