Questions And Answers Guide.
Global Guideline. Civil Engineering Interview Questions And Answers
Civil Engineering Job Interview Preparation Guide.
Question # 1
What are the causes of building collapse?
Answer:The PAssage of time is one reason. Buildings also collapse due to weak foundations. Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters can also damage the structure of the buildings and cause it to collapse. Bombings or demolition of buildings is also other reasons.
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Question # 2
What are the applications of modulus of elasticity?
Answer:As the term implies, "Modulus of Elasticity” relates to the elasticity or "flexibility" of a material. The value of modulus of elasticity is very much significant relating to deflection of certain materials used in the construction industry. Take for example the general E value of mild carbon steel is about 200 GPA comPAred to about
70 GPA for aluminum. This simply translate that aluminum is 3 times flexible than steel.
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Question # 3
What is the difference between routing maintenance and major maintenance in school facilities?
Answer:The routine maintenance is the minor and consistent rePAirs that are engaged in the school premises. Examples could include PAinting, replacement of fixtures, louver blades, furniture rePAirs, and PAtching cracks in the school buildings.
The major maintenance could also be a total rehabilitation of the school, either school buildings or any other project within the school community. It could be total restructuring of the lighting system in the school or sanitary system.
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Question # 4
How are freeway bridges built?
Answer:After calculating the anticiPAted traffic for the bridge, cement/reinforced- with- rebar stanchions are sPAced over the freeway to accommodate the bridge. An
'off-ramp' from the freeway to the bridge is constructed, as is an