principal of democracy is the idea of majority rule and the government’s responsibility to
represent the will of the majority. This often leaves individuals questioning their relationship to
the state and society. This is where the Constitution comes into play. In America the
Constitution lays down the rules for the individual relationship to the state. Simply speaking, it
defines areas where government may act and where they may not act. This is why we have civil
liberties and civil rights. Although many confuse the two they are different in matter.
Does it matter if our beliefs, thoughts, and voices are regulated by the government? What if
there was a regulated dress code for citizens? What if there was only one genre of music or
movies? Many of us would feel violated, the right to believe as we want, think as we want and
voice our opinions are civil liberties. Civil liberties are rights that individuals have against
government. Among our civil liberties are the right to free expression, the right to worship (or
not) as we choose, and the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Civil rights, on the other hand, deal with the protection of citizens against discrimination
due to race, ethnicity, gender, or disability. These protections come from the constitutional
amendments following the Bill of Rights. Civil rights are what people expect the government