Civil marriage is a very controversial matter in the Middle East region. What’s marriage in the first place? Marriage is when two people are officially announced as a husband and wife in front of a group of people not opposing to this unity. The paper work is only proof of their marriage. Now a civil marriage is where the marriage ceremony has a government or a civil official perform the ceremony. It doesn’t require a religious ceremony or a religious authority. We can say that it is a marriage performance between one man and one woman,( sometimes it’s between a couple from the same sex) who has the capacity to enter in such an agreement, when each one of them promise the other to live together . This agreement recognized by government official that happens inside a court house.
In the Middle East there’s no country that allows civil marriage without a religious marriage before. Recently in Lebanon we heard a lot about legalizing the civil marriage. It’s a very complicated issue if, for instance, a Christian man wants to marry a Druze woman. In most cases they solve this problem by travelling to the closest country that allows civil marriage, (Cyprus in Lebanese case ), and get married there. If the Lebanese government allowed it, we will be the first Arabic country who has legalized the civil marriage. A big number of Lebanese find that civil marriage should be legal in our multi-sects country, and that’s for many reasons: it is a human right, because everyone owns the freedom to choose their life partner, despite their religion or sect it is a civil right, Second it is a good solution for some personal problems in a multi-sects country like Lebanon and support the common living, also civil marriage preserve women’s rights in case of a divorce. This essay will demonstrate these reasons and how civil marriage is an option not a must on everyone, because we live in a free country and Lebanese has the right to choose their ways in living