I:Civil Liberty Events: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Goal of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Affirmative Action
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 marked a major liberal victory for Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Right Movement, since it provide a legal basis for equality and fairness to people of color in the United States government. This event was major legal success because it forced the government to acknowledge the rights of human beings, especially African-Americans, to gain legal protection from discrimination, racism, and hate groups. More so, the U.S. government enacted Affirmative Action in the 1970s to combat racism …show more content…
Department of labor has been reinforcing liberal support for expanded rights for women and minorities, which defines a positive perception of a government agency to uphold Executive Order 11246 in the media: “The rule, published in the Federal Register on June 15, 2016, and effective on August 15, 2016, updated Executive Order 11246, which had not been revised in over forty years” (Carrigan, 2016, para.2). The new rule will require companies that make $10,000 or more to be governed under Executive Order 11246. Although this government data has proven to improve the plight of women in the workplace, other government agencies, such as the American police force, tends to be dominated by white police officers: “The nation’s police forces are mainly white. According to a New York Times investigation in 2015, the percentage of whites on the police force is more than 30 percent higher than the communities they serve in hundreds of police departments across the country” (Runge, 2016, para.9). This aspect of labor statistics defines the inability of the Department of labor to stop racial hiring biases in the police force, which is a negative aspect of the ineffectiveness of Affirmative Action in today’s police force. These are the two major media events that define a positive change in racial/gender aspects of Executive Order 11246 by the U.S. Department of Labor, yet the enforcement of equal rights in the hiring of police agencies has been a negative trend in the modern media in terms of equal rights through governmental