POS / 110
Civil Liberties: The Right to Privacy
Civil Liberties 2
Sub Category: Controversy over Abortion
In this assignment I will examine civil liberties, main focus on the abortion
Controversy. In today’s societies, civil rights and civil liberties are not as common
and some are even at risk. Abortion rights are a very special, touchy subject and I
believe there will be never a solution who will satisfy both sites, the supporters and
opponents likewise. This subject is debated around the world and every country
has different laws and regulations, what makes it not easier. There are also different
levels on what grounds an abortion should be granted and where a women should
carry out the baby. In my view, a women should make that choice but also should
have alternatives to have a baby. In certain situation, like I am pro abortion, even
politicians like Richard Mourdock disagree by saying “I think even when life begins in
that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen”.
I doubt God intent such crimes, and since we can not feel and experience what these
women going through we should keep this an personal choice. I will talk about
certain issues further in my assignment.
I reviewed an article in which the ACLU talks about the facts regarding abortion
available on military post to female military personal. It shows that fundamental
right to make health care decisions for themselves are taking away from
the women in uniform, even they are in a country where abortion is legal.
The article furthermore shows some
References:, retrieved February 28th, 2013, retrieved February 28th, 2013»+, retrieved, February 28th, 2013