Water pollution can cause many illnesses and diseases to the human population that could possibly be fatal.…
Pollution: The pollution coursed when the buildings are being built and when the buildings have been built and when people live in them need to be taken into consideration as the amount of pollution that…
It is very important to address this issue because the article alludes to the fact that people have fished out of the and more importantly that the lake serves as a water source in some capacity. It is important to remember that contaminated water can affect drinking supply and food supply when used to water crops for consumption. It can also trickle down and affect meat production as the animals ingest the water and food grown using the water. This cycle can be devastating for a community.…
As we see more development in our life, we can argue that the environment becomes more contaminated. There are around 20 billion tons of CO2 and other poisonous gases, like methane gas, that are absorbed by the atmosphere every year. This poisonous environment kills around 14 thousand people all over the world, for example if exposed to methane gas, it causes dizziness, headache and nausea. This confirms that to achieve a healthy lifestyle at which people are not only wealthy but also healthy and safe, we need to find ways to protect our environment. Building a green city is thus a very sustainable…
Hotel industries causes tremendous pressure on environments, facts shown that the industry wasted up to $3.7 billion per day on electricity and around 218 gallons of water are wasted per room. The adoption of programs such as the EarthCare programs do helps to preserve the…
Tourism industry is one of the largest industry of the world in the 21st century, before the oil industry and the automobile industry. It is a vital sector for a lot of countries as it generates jobs and wealth. Nevertheless, Tourism can also engender environmental, social, and cultural degradations as more and more people travel all around the world. There was roughly 935 million of tourists in 2010, and there will be 1.6 billion tourists in 2020 according to the World Tourism Organization. This enormous flow of tourists has undoubtedly a lot of impacts on the environment, on the local populations or on the economy. Furthermore, the global population is increasingly growing and the question of resources available is crucial and has become a matter of global concern when development occurs in a time of globalization. Because tourism keeps increasing, this is necessary to find ways to make tourism more sustainable.…
Why is the water contaminated? There are 2 types of water-pollution sources. They are called point and nonpoint sources. (The Truth about Environmental Hazards). Point sources include factories, sewage treatment plants, boats, and ships that directly polluted/contaminate the water. Nonpoint sources include runoff from farms, mines, paved roads that eventually spread pollutants to waterways. Chemicals, pesticides, and sewage contaminate the water which creates a health hazard for us humans. Everyday sewage and trash is being dumped into rivers, lakes, and oceans. These pollutants can make water unsafe and are very harmful/dangerous to animals, plants, and especially us humans. Humans create almost all of the pollution that finds its way in water. Us humans is why so many 3rd world/developing countries don’t have clean water because we continue to pollute the water…
There has been a proclamation for months that there is a concentration of pollutants that have reached critical levels. There is concern that the water supply could be affected. Not only could the water supply be affected but also the pleasures and activities associated with the lake such as swimming and fishing. This issue is a public health issue because public health issues include issues that affect the environment.…
Indeed, tourism has many harmful impacts on the environment. It increases pollution in many ways. We will focus, on the second part of this paper about how does it happen, what measure the national government have taken and what can be done to decrease those side effects of tourism.…
Industrialization and urbanization has led to massive destruction of virginal nature areas. Building cities means destroying nature. Even though construction designers and workers plan to preserve nature, still the water, soil, and air are contaminated by the waste from urban areas. As nature gets more contaminated, the harmony of the fragile ecosystems…
Water pollution has been considered as one of the primary destroyers of Earth’s environmental health. With the development of technology and industries, the bodies of water are left unclean. Few of the most alarming effects of water pollution are food contamination and disturbance in the food chain. Researchers have long been searching for answers for the elimination and prevention of water pollution, which will cost less than the usual and commercial methods used.…
Nowadays, due to the well education in international city and people start to pay attention of the environmental awareness, especially the air pollution and the energy shortage problem.…
Water pollution is one of the important factors that totally major affects Thai society. It is mostly from ship transportation, urban run-off and especially industrial estate that release heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium into the public water. As we know, Thai people ordinarily use the water particularly in agriculture and factory since Thailand is considered a huge center of business and food in Southeast Asia. With their omission, people neglect water treatment that ultimately results the leakage of contaminated water into the public. Many negative consequences surely affect people’s health especially people who use public water in daily life. Diarrhea is a severe health problem that comes along with filthy water. It is a serious issue that influence to internal body. Some people might get sick and vomit. On the other hand, people get a mental problem that is a critical point for Thai society too. They might not be appreciated to travel by boat together with the poisonous water especially in Bangkok where is popular about travelling along Chaopraya river. According to China.org.cn (2007), “ABAC public opinion poll surveyed 1,550 Thai residents living in three major industrial districts, and found that 74 percent were…
How can we make people aware of water pollution and find a way to prevent it as well as promote water conservation especially in areas where…
In recent time though, because of human activity, these reefs have come under enormous threat. Many would suggest that development does incur an environmental cost, whether it be in the effluence in the seawater or silting of the coastlines and beaches due to building beach hotels. It is indeed imperative that measures be put in place to minimize the dangers posed to the reefs.…