The juvenile justice system has been a great tool over the years and has improved much in that time and for the question that if we should keep the juvenile justice system I feel the answer is yes. The answer is not to get rid of the juvenile justice system but to improve it by learning from the past and thinking of new ideals. I do feel that the community should set in and be more of a part of preventing and helping these kids in need because of an old saying that “it takes a village to raise a kid”. If there would be more access, more help, more programs for this kids then I bet we would see a decline in juvenile delinquency because these kids would see that there is people out there who care and are willing to be there for them.
When it comes to the question whether the juvenile justice system should just focus on one strategy or a comprehensive system, I feel it would be a mistake to just focus on one strategy. I feel this because even though two juveniles commit the same crime, the situation for why they did could be different. One could have stolen because there was a video game he wanted and just took it and this juvenile has a history of stealing. Now, there should be some sort of punishment for this juvenile for him/her to see if they keep down this path they will end up in prison. If the other juvenile stole some food because his/her parents both unemployed and he was stealing food to help feed the family, even though he stole I don’t feel they should get the same punishment as the juvenile who stole the game.
What that shows is that there needs to be different strategies for different situations because there are no two that are the same. If were to focus on only one then we would truly never get to the root why juvenile commit crimes and help would be