The Juvenile Justice System’s Need to Focus on Rehabilitation
Amanda R. Molnar
Axia College of the University of Phoenix
The Juvenile Justice System Needs to Focus on Rehabilitation The juvenile justice system has long been in debate over whether its focus should be rehabilitation or punishment. From its birth in the early 20th century, the juvenile justice system has changed its focus from punishment to rehabilitation and back many times. Some say the juvenile justice system should be abolished and juveniles tried as adults, yet studies indicate punishment and imprisonment do not rehabilitate juvenile offenders; therefore, the juvenile justice system should remain intact and rehabilitation should be the major focus. The juvenile justice system should adopt a permanent focus on rehabilitation to ensure the future success of our nation’s young people. Juvenile criminal and delinquent behaviors do not emerge randomly. We have learned over the past few decades that a number of factors, (individual, family, peer, and community) affect whether a child will engage in delinquent or criminal activity. Research has clearly shown that the more risk factors experienced by youth, the greater their likelihood of involvement in criminal activity. Conversely, protective factors such as developing close relationships with parents and teachers can offset the negative effects of risk factors. [ (U.S. Department of Justice Programs Office of Justice Programs, 1999) ] While rehabilitation does focus on juveniles after criminal activity, it is the only sure way for juvenile offenders to develop the ever so important close relationships with parents, teachers and community. Rehabilitation should not only focus on substances abuse and aggressiveness, it should focus on the root of the substance abuse and aggressiveness. All juvenile delinquent behaviors are influenced not only by what goes on in the environment
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