This project proposal is of clap switch. A device which can turn on or off any instrument by just clap of a hand. The aim of this project is to demonstrate the idea of clap switch by building a prototype of it. The operation of the circuit is simple. If we clap the lamp turns on and to switch it off clap again.
With the increasing interest in comfort and luxury and keeping in mind the disable persons a clap switch was invented. A device which can turn on or off an instrument with just clap of a hand. The basic idea of clap switch is that the electric microphone picks up the Sound of your claps, coughs, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It produces a Small electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors Cross connected as a bi-stable multi-vibrator change state at each signal. This is a sound sensitive circuit, When sound is produced it is changed into electric energy through condenser mic and LED turns on. LED turns on sound signal and turns off automatically after few seconds, the LED on-time can be varied by changing the value of 100mF capacitor. When Capacitor value is changed from 100mF to 10mF the LED on-time is decreased. In order to make a clap switch, we have to combine the touch sensor (monostable mode of 555 and the transistorized dark sensor circuits. Whenever there is loud sound produced near the electret condenser mic, pin 2 of 555 gets triggered and it switches on the LED. The LED remains on for a definite time determined by Resistor and Capacitor. We can adjust the sensitivity of the circuit using a variable resistor in place of fixed resistor R5. The various components used in making clap switch are listed below: -
1. 470R, 330R, 1K, 4.7K & 47K
2. 100nF x (2) & 100mF/10mF
3. BC547 x (2)
4. Electric Condenser Mic
5. 555 Timer
6. LED
7. 9V Battery
The circuit diagram of clap switch is as follows: -
The pin configuration of 555 IC used in