When you hear electric cooperative you immediately think of energy, and you should. However, how much do you really know about electric cooperatives? This is what the NRECA are trying to increase your awareness about. An electric cooperative is a type of electric utility that is owned by the members it serves. Its margins are put back into the cooperative to help run the business efficiently. If this is not done, the margins are returned to the customer-owner. A co-op exists solely to provide high-quality service at the lowest possible price for its customer-owners. There are two types of electric cooperatives, distribution cooperatives and generation and transmission (G&T) cooperatives. Electric cooperatives serve end-users, such as residences and businesses, which make up their membership. Generation and transmission cooperatives typically sell wholesale power to distribution cooperatives and are cooperative federations owned by their member co-ops. Because of this information, we are no longer left in the dark about our electric and utility cooperatives. This better helps us understand the world of electric, water, and even telecommunication
When you hear electric cooperative you immediately think of energy, and you should. However, how much do you really know about electric cooperatives? This is what the NRECA are trying to increase your awareness about. An electric cooperative is a type of electric utility that is owned by the members it serves. Its margins are put back into the cooperative to help run the business efficiently. If this is not done, the margins are returned to the customer-owner. A co-op exists solely to provide high-quality service at the lowest possible price for its customer-owners. There are two types of electric cooperatives, distribution cooperatives and generation and transmission (G&T) cooperatives. Electric cooperatives serve end-users, such as residences and businesses, which make up their membership. Generation and transmission cooperatives typically sell wholesale power to distribution cooperatives and are cooperative federations owned by their member co-ops. Because of this information, we are no longer left in the dark about our electric and utility cooperatives. This better helps us understand the world of electric, water, and even telecommunication