Types of Primary Data:
• Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics.
Age, Education, Occupation, Marital
Disposable income, etc.
Used to cross-classify respondents issues. status,
• Psychological and Lifestyle Characteristics.
Personality traits, activities, interests and values.
Rests on the premise that marketing will be more effective if the firm knows how their potential clients live, what interests them, and what they like.
Many time, demographic data is not enough.
Gonzalo León R.
Investments portfolios
family income and risk tolerance
Goal is to identify groups of consumers who have similar lifestyles and therefore are likely to behave similarly toward the product or service.
Used also for segmentation studies.
Data Collection: Primary Data
– Attitudes and opinions.
• Person’s ideas, convictions, or liking with respect to a specific object or idea.
• Pervasive, forerunners of behavior.
• Marketers are interested in attitudes toward a product or category, toward specific brands, and toward specific features of the brands.
– Awareness and Knowledge.
• Refer to what respondents know about some object.
– Top of mind
– Unaided recall, Aided recall, Recognition
– Intentions.
• Individual’s anticipated or planned future behavior.
Gonzalo León R.
Definitely would buy
Probably would buy
Probably would not buy
Definitely would not buy
• When measuring demand always state the asked price.
• Often the two top are combined into one figure.
Data Collection: Primary Data
• Greater accuracy for planned purchases: automobile, homes, business equipment, etc.
• The larger the expenditure, the greater the correlation between anticipated and actual behavior.
– Motivation.
• Why people behave as they do.
• Understanding the motives behind a person’s behavior better position to influence such behavior in the future.
– Behavior.
• What customers have done or are