SUFISM (Tasawwuf)
1 – Origins
2 – Sufi’s Sources
3 – Sufi Symbolism
4 – Sharia and Tariqa (the way)
5 – Sober and Intoxicated Sufism
6 – Sufi Remembrance (Dhikr)
ulawa tawil – metaphorical interpretation of the Quran, rather than literal (tafsir)
hadith al-qudsi – branch of hadith – Prophet sayings, but sacred sayings. – colletion.
Rise of Sufi Orders
Master-Disciple Relationship (Shaykh/Faqir or Pir/Shakird)
Popular Sufi Orders
Spiritual Lineage (Silsila)
Wali = Nabi (Prophet in Arabic) friend of God. Sufi Master
Dhikr (Remembrance of God)
Sama (Spiritual Dance or Concert)
Wahdat al-Wujud (Unity of Existence or Being), Ibn al-Arabi (d.1240)
FOLK - POPULAR. Suffis use this term towards Sunnis.
CILEHANE a partially underground chamber where the dervishes spent periods of solitude and fasting. 1001 days?
“HU” – they repeat this while praying/dancing/rocking side to side
BOOK REVIEW will be submitted on Moodle (you can submit earlier)
Responsible only for parts of the book posted on Moodle
The book review is based on a specific question – not on the whole book/the parts posted.
Difference b/w Islam and Islamism
Islamism refers to modern period that started in the 19th century, but a 20th century phenomenon.
1000 or 1200 words. The real question is: Do you think that the authors distinction b/w Islam and Islamism is clear? In the last paragraph he wans to hear your opinion – can these be separated? Is it possible? you don’t have to deal with the textbook. Just the parts of the book. Keep citation to your sources – parentheses.