Of any civilization, a strong leadership is paramount to its success, particularly in an empire’s bleakest of a times. A notable example is Solon from Athens, who radically reformed government to benefit the working …show more content…
Next, religion plays a pivotal role in setting guidelines for dictating the behaviors and lifestyles of citizens within an empire. Religion brings a sense of substance to the otherwise shallow lives people would live; it gives people goals to attain and philosophies to preach. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Confucianism invoked important principles that greatly built character into the citizens of each empire. Cultural diversity was additionally an important aspect of many empires. Alexander the Great’s kingdom was a prime example to how a heterogeneous culture provided more benefit than harm. Greek art, innovation, and thought were transmitted amongst the expansive empire, leading to a larger pool of ideas for the betterment of general society. Technology and architecture also characterized each empire to a great extent. Athens was notable for its magnificent structures like the Temple of Artemis and the Parthenon; such spectacles were constructions to take pride in and served to boost the morale of an empire’s people. Down in India, significant advances in mathematics and science were being achieved. The general concept of the zero and decimals were tied back to the Gupta Empire. The Vedic numbering system set