2: In classical Greek civilization, there were multiple beliefs in their given area. Many philosophers existed in this time period like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Socrates often posed questions on human issues and encouraged reflection on the issue, often moral and ethics. Plato was the disciple of Socrates and came up with the “Forms or Ideas” which basically was highlighting the meaning of virtue. Aristotle was a disciple of Plato and totally disagreed with the “Form or Ideas” approach and was more of a systematic philosopher, and believed that the people should listen to their senses to solve problems. Religions existed also, as many people were polytheistic and believed in supernatural power gods, like the sun god or water …show more content…
Some of these poleis had monarchies even, leaders that gained power by irregular means. These poleis helped keep control in societies. One of the conflicts that happened in this time period was The Persian Wars, which was a war between the Persian and Greek empires. Since the Athenians were helping Persian rebels, Persia declared small attack as a punishment. This expanded into a big conflict, but not quite full scale as a war would be usually. After this war Greece made the Delian League to discourage further attacks in Persia. Another conflict was The Peloponnesian War where Athenians and Sparta went into a civil war, as Sparta