Neoliberals/classic liberals are considered economic conservatives. Neoliberals/classic liberals advocate for a smaller public sector and a larger private sector. On page 127 Quantz states “any injection of government into society, except to maintain basic order, will inevitably …show more content…
Neoliberals argue “that the goods of society (power, wealth, status) should be distributed to people based on their worth. The more a person contributes, the more she/he deserves” (Quantz, 2015). Through this logic, neoliberals are against government-sponsored welfare programs. These programs would give public moneys to people who were not contributing as much to society. Therefore, people like Client A shouldn’t have access to public money and services if they do not have a job. As Quantz states, “[t]he basic thought is that programs such as welfare … only work to encourage the lazy to not do what they should be doing—that is, what they should do is … work hard and be grateful for the opportunity” (Quantz, 2015). Neoliberals do want to help members of society like Client A, they just do not want public money to be spent doing so. Social programs, typically provided by religious organizations, help to provide those less fortunate with the opportunities they need to advance. Progressive democrats unlike neoliberals advocate for a larger public sphere in specific aspects. When it comes to Client A, progressive democrats push for public programs like welfare and Medicaid to provide …show more content…
As described above, Client B was currently employed as he owned his own online business, however, he still relies on the foodbank for meals. In this situation, Client B does have a home. He was sharing a house with four of his friends. Neoliberals would still argue that it is his own responsibility to be successful in his business. Quantz states, “if a person has talent, works hard, and has good morals, he/she will succeed” (Quantz, 2015). Since Client B has a job/business but is still requiring help from the food pantry, he must not be working hard enough to advance his business. Neoliberals/classic liberals still would not approve of government assistance in this situation. After reading about neoliberals in the textbook, I think they would refer Client B to a private organization to help guide or support his business, they would encourage to work harder. Progressive democrats would view this situation very similarly to Client A’s. They would still approve of the use of public funded services such as welfare, unemployment, and food stamps to help him out. Progressives believe that “no one makes it solely on their own two feet. Everyone depends on others” (Quantz, 2015). While Client B does have a business and a job, he still needs help making it grow. With public social programs, progressive democrats aim to stimulate the economy by helping those at the bottom to