Scientific management was developed in the early 1900's and fronted by Fredrick Winslow Taylor. Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter (2006) describe scientific management as: The use of scientific methods to define the "one best way" for a job to be done.
The objective of Scientific Management was to ensure that maximum productivity was achieved for both the employer and employee. (Dwyer, 2005) Scientific Management is essentially an authoritarian approach that breaks up the "thinking" and "doing" responsibilities to the manager and worker respectively. (Morgan, 1986). The main philosophies arising from the Scientific Management approach include; an emphasis on experimentation, research, and timed studies, as opposed to "rule of thumb", management and labour co-operation in order to ensure economic efficiency, emphasis on individualism, and the simplification of tasks to reduce learning problems and time. (Mohanty and Sethi, 1996) The underlying assumption of the Scientific Management
References: Bartol, K., Martin, D., Tein, M. and Matthews, G. (2001), Management: A Pacific Rim Focus, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, Roseville, CA. Davidson, P. and Griffin, R. W. (2000), Management: Australia in a Global Context, John Wiley & Sons, Milton. Dwyer R. J. (2005) Formal Organisations in contemporary society: The relevance of historical perspectives. Management Decision, 43, 1232-1248 Hough, J.R., & White, M.A Mohanty, R. P. and Sethi, B. P. (1996) TQM- a comparative approach. Work Study, 45, 13-19 Morgan, G Parayitam, S., White, M.A., & Hough, J.R. (2002). Juxtaposition of Chester I. Bernard and Frederick W. Taylor: forerunners of management. Management Decision, 40, 1003-1012. Robbins, S.P., Bergman, R., Stagg, I. and Coulter, M. (2006),Foundations of Management, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Sydney. Rose, N. (2005), Human Relations Theory and People Management Retrieved from: Wrege, C. D., & Perroni, A (1974) Taylor 's pig-tale: A historical analysis of Fredrick W. Taylor 's pig-iron experiment. Academy of Management Journal, 17, 6-27