Henri Fayol, like Frederick Taylor also contributed significantly to classical management theory. Fayol’s suggested that there were five main roles of managers, these being planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Taylor began his career as a common laborer and went up the management chain. Henri Fayol on the other hand started his career as an engineer and moved up to a manager (Wren, 1994). Both their views of management differ in this aspect.
Fayol introduced various principles of organization and management whereas Taylor introduced principles on work methods and methods to secure efficiency, however both had a functional specialization. They both argued that there were certain principles which existed in all organizations in order for it to operate and produce efficient results. They both aimed for a ‘óne best way’ approach to management thinking. Fayol’s five functions include: • Planning which involves drawing up plans of action to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be. A good plan would have the characteristics of unity, continuity, flexibility and precision
References: Hodgetts, G., (1995) Frederick Taylor: Alive and well and ready for the 21st century, Academy of Management Journal, p. 218-223. Pindur, W. & Rogers. S 1995 The History of Management: a global perspective, Journal of Management History vol 1 Nol1. pp59-77 Wren, D., (1994) The Evolution of Management Thought, John Wiley and Son, New York.