Shawn A. Wood
Phil bravely states that he will not tell me what I want to hear; he seems to revel in his “I call it as I see it; I will tell you the truth” philosophy. Effective weight control will never be “quick and easy”, but that is “doable”. His book espouses a philosophy that is brilliant in its simplicity. He includes a wealth of self-analysis in the form of assessments, timelines, goal setting, readiness profiles and action plans. His book incorporates concrete details for daily planning and food action plans, which include a specific system of meal planning that is widely used by dietitians and health organizations. He describes a divided-plate system for meal planning: ¼ protein, ¼ starch, and ½ low-calorie, high-fiber plant-based food—fruits and vegetables.…
“Dieting makes everything worse, for the chances are high that fat people will fail. They will be saddened and frustrated by their failures” (Schwartz 180). She gives us her view of a fat society. This society is one, which in fact only fat people reside. No no more vindication on people with larger size.…
These days it’s hard to turn on the television or surf the internet, and not be bombarded with a celebrity sponsored commercials, or the many pop up advertisement advertising how one can lose 20 – 30 pounds in a matter of weeks. The manufactures of these products would love for us to believe it’s as simple as taking a pill, or participating in one of the many new fad diets. But if it were as simple as swallowing pill or just dieting then why has the obesity rate in the United States almost quadrupled in the past quarter century (Meich, et al)? It’s because the main problems like poor family support and influence, and the living of sedentary lifestyle can’t be corrected by ingesting a pill.…
“Weight Watcher’s” has been around since the early 1960’s. Founded by Jean Nidetch who wrote a book entitled, “The Memoir of a Successful Loser” In 1973, a handbook was prepared for women about how to implement an exchange based diet. The plan works for some women but success rate for weight loss was only 25%. Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Medifast, Lap Band Surgery and Liposuction, has made millions off of obese men and women. The community supports these companies and procedures because it improves awareness on healthy living and positive food choices. However, obesity stems deeper than just poor food choices. It is a psychological characteristic that is taught, learned or genetically pasted on.…
One of the challenges with most diets that are based on decreasing the total number of calories being consumed is sustaining a high metabolism. Our metabolism is responsible for burning through calories, but when the caloric content of our food is reduced, our bodies shift gears and decrease their calorie consumption. This results in that feeling of sluggishness and tiredness that is common among most dieters, meaning we become less efficient at burning calories. What a metabolic diet does is raise the metabolism to speed up the burning of calories, which equates to a faster weight loss rate. This method of dieting is much more effective than what essentially amounts to starving yourself. But if you are dieting to lose weight, how can you avoid…
People are always trying to lose weight: “Americans spend upwards of 60 billion dollars annually to lose weight”. Most weight loss tactics usually involve some type of quick way to shed those extra pounds such as diet foods, starvation, diet pills, supplements, eliminating certain foods, detoxes, etc. This list of ways to lose weight can go on and on, and they come with many different beliefs and misconceptions. People who lose weight in this manner have a tendency to gain the weight back, and often gain even more weight than when they started. Most of these ideas and plans to lose weight are only glorified advertisements to make losing weight look simple and easy, leading to many misconceptions to losing weight.…
The main issue with people who are looking to lose weight is that everyone wants that quick fix. They don’t want to do the hard work of completely altering their lifestyle in order to get fit and obtain a healthy weight but rather want something to do that for them without having to exercise or change the way they eat. The problem with that is that there is no quick fix that is permanent. Sure there are plenty of “diets” or meal plans out there such as South Beach, Weight Watchers, Advocare, Herbalife, and the list goes on and on, but they don’t always keep the weight off and often focus on losing weight but not how to then maintain the weight lost. They’re low in calories often and typically eliminate one specific thing rather than using smaller portions which is what is most effective. What’s difficult about restrictive diets is that it can hurt more than help. It can slow down your metabolism and many people are often misinformed on this and become confused when even though they’re eating less they’re still gaining or not losing any weight. Another issue with a quick fix is that of a more dramatic choice such as bariatric surgery. Although I do believe it can be life-saving as it brings down high blood pressure and can significantly help with diabetes, it is surgery and has its risks. There is a risk of 1 in 300 for death not to mention the many side effects that someone could go through during recovery. Also, there are people who get this procedure done and don’t make the lifestyle changes needed such as exercising and a healthier diet which causes them to gain the weight back. Exercise is a tool that should be used by people of all ages, weight, and goals to stay healthy. At least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity should happen a week and at least twice a week some form of muscle strengthening exercise should be done. An interesting point mentioned was that of weight gained at work. Some occupations often lead…
Pressures to stay fit and skinny are becoming increasingly overwhelming from media, society, and doctors as obesity climbs toward becoming an epidemic, claims Mary Ray Worley. Worley, a member of National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA), believes that today’s society is now obsessed with being fit/thin to the point of people “would rather die or cut off a limb than be fat” (163). In her article, “Fat and Happy: In Defense of Fat Acceptance,” she is on a mission to dispel the belief that society should stigmatize overweight people to coerce them into losing weight; she wants people of high weights to accept themselves and love their bodies the way they are and to forge “a new relationship with our bodies, one that doesn’t involve…
There is no wonder that we have an obesity epidemic in America. Food is everywhere we turn. Whether it’s sitting along the roadside, calling at you in bright colors from grocery store shelves, glowing in vending machines or even in the elaborate television commercials we watch. There is no way to escape from the never ending advertisements. This is where the epidemic of obesity begins. We as Americans consume more food portions than our body can handle and not enough physical activity, causing higher medical costs and a lower quality of life.…
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wish you could do something about your weight? After all, what hamburger loving American can 't afford to shed 5–10 extra pounds? In 1970 when slim became the new curvy, woman—and men alike, became more concerned about their appearance. Gone are the days when a woman could be proud of her perfect hour glass figure. With the invention of a slim waist line, there also came the birth of eating disorders. From anorexia to bulimia, men and women seem willing to do what ever it takes to follow the newest fad. Eating disorders have an unhealthy effect on the human body, and the consequences are deadly.…
“Obesity is high in this country for adults and children, and it has nothing to do with diet and the choice of food. Physicians must confront obesity where they can and not have the weight of the government on them as they do it” (Terry Bennet). When people talk about obesity, a lot of people agree that people have to change their diet, while on the other hand some people also believe that the government should be doing more to control what us as Americans consume. Before eating anything and possibly ruining your health, people should consider taking other approaches to eating healthy in order to maintain their overall health as it is very important. While one’s appearance may not bother the individual themselves; other people in society will…
We are conditioned at a young age to believe the only way to be normal is to be…
Obesity in America is on the rise now, with 72-million people contributing to this new “epidemic.” People need to start taking care of their bodies or they could possibly lose their lives to the leading cause of death in America—heart disease. Believe it or not, this epidemic isn’t just effecting the human population. Twenty-five percent of cats and dogs are now heavier than they should be. With excess weight usually comes many kinds of physiological, behavioral, social, environmental and economic problems. Childhood obesity rates have nearly tripled since the 1980’s, and current research shows that almost one-third of children over two years of age are already overweight or obese ("Obesity In America: What 's Driving The Epidemic."). To put a stop to this epidemic, we need a solution that goes far beyond simply eating less. This obesity epidemic is responsible for more than one hundred sixty-thousand additional deaths each year in America now. Currently, 72% of men and 63% of women are overweight (White).…
Obesity is a serious problem in America. It is a much bigger problem than people perceive. In fact, over a third of the nation’s population is obese. Being obese and being overweight is not the same thing, although they are often perceived as being the same. Being overweight means that a person weighs too much in comparison with their height; however, obesity is observed by the amount of body fat a person has (Winters 44). Americans perceive being obese the same way they perceive being overweight; they see both as simply being a cosmetic problem that can be fixed with the right nutrition and diet (Hughes 72). This may be true for people that are overweight; however obesity is a very serious health problem whose solution must be further studied. In fact, the rate of obesity has raised so much over the past decades, it is considered to be one of America’s biggest health problems (Wang 1572). For one to solve the health problem of obesity, he or she must not assume that the solution of obesity for everyone is diet and exercise, but they must look further into obesity in race and age to determine the real factors.…
Nutrition are the substances in food that our bodies process in which enable it to function, by supplying it with what is necessary to maintain a healthy and balanced life. To make sure we get all these nutrients we need a balanced diet, this means that you can eat all foods just best to eat more of some than others. Our nutrition requirement varies from person to person, depending on whether you male or female and you age. Nutrients are the chemical compounds found in food. Food is made up of a complex mixture of nutrients. These nutrients are needed to help us maintain growth, energy and health.…