Imagine you're in a classroom, all silent and everyone is working on their computers. Though as you look over at your friend's computer, you see them on Facebook, you think to yourself, “If they’re doing it, why can’t I?” and you proceed to get heavily distracted. Computers are a distraction.
In the article “Classroom Laptops Use Distracting” it explains how computers …show more content…
are a distraction to avid learners and how easily a student can get dragged into the internet, and stray away from what they should be doing. Though if you tried doing this about ten years ago, it would actually be a lot harder and almost unfathomable.
Now, imagine you're in a busy classroom and your professor is about to start a lecture. Once he starts talking you try and type every single word that utters from his mouth, trying to get the most done, but once you're done with the lecture you remember absolutely nothing that was discussed, Why? In the article, “Screen Or Scribble?” it speaks of how students in the classroom who has evolved into computers and quite frankly forgotten about pen and paper.
The reason behind forgetting your notes while typing is because typing is limited, and not as creative as writing.
Handwriting is different to every person, but typing you have the exact same font for everyone, making it a lot harder to remember, also you can type faster than you can write so you can get more on your paper, but with writing you have to shorten sentences and make it your own way. Making is easier to remember.
Laptops have major amounts of creativity, but it’s used in the wrong way. The way it’s used is distraction. Although some people have different ideas about computers, saying they aren’t distractions.
To face that facts, computers have taken a place in our world, and won’t be leaving in the near future.
In the article, “Screen or Scribble?” it says that outright banning laptops wouldn’t be the best option. Some people prefer typing over writing. Mainly people that have writing disabilities, if we took typing away then they couldn’t learn very much at all.
Also, ever heard of “My dog ate my homework?” well that can’t happen when you have a computer, so things are more easily accessible to people and can keep the world more organized. All professors need to really do, is alter the way they are teaching. They are still teaching students the way you would when writing. Just alter the way you teacher and you may just change this whole distracting