Section 1: Philosophy or Expectations Grade Level: Fourth Grade Classroom management and discipline are two very important building blocks in a successful classroom. Setting rules and expectations for students has many positive benefits. Not only will students feel more comfortable in a stable well managed classroom, they will also learn more because there will be less distractions. Students in a classroom that are well managed will also retain the information for longer periods of time rather than just for the moment to make a good grade. Teachers want more than anything for their students to learn life skills that they can carry on with them into the future. Teachers want their classrooms to be a place that students look forward to attending to learn and feel safe and relaxed. In any classroom teachers want there to be mutual respect among teacher and students. In a classroom everything is to be organized and in its place, this will make it easy to move on from one subject or activity to the next without distractions. Colorful classrooms will make a fun and inviting environment for all kinds of students. Teachers should not want to have bland classrooms that bring the mood down with nothing fun or happy to look at. A classroom where students run wild and do whatever they want will not work for teachers or students. Many time school is not taken as seriously as it should be especially in younger grade levels, these are the years that form the minds of children, and their experiences in the classroom will have an effect of how they form into young adults. Most believe that all students have the want to learn. Fourth grade is about the time that students start paying more attention to their peers and surroundings. All students want to feel that they belong and be in an environment that they feel comfortable in. Therefore as a teachers it is their job to make sure that attention is paid to what the students