Do the following exercises and justify or explain your answers where appropriate.
Task 1
Look at Ur’s list of patterns of interaction below. Decide whether each interaction is either more student-centred or more teacher-centred. Justify your answers.
Group work
It is student-centred, because this gives students more opportunities for using the L2 than in open class interactions, thus they get more practice. Working in group can be beneficial for students because it helps them to be more responsible, and also they can develop a positive independence.
Closed-ended teacher questioning
This can be considered as teacher-centred because this type of activity in the class demands more TTT. This type of questions can be answered by using a single word, which is not going to be useful for students because it doesn´t allow them to construct their own knowledge.
Individual work This is a student-centred interaction. In this type of interaction the teacher gives a task, and the students have to work by their own, but following teacher´s instructions.
Working individually is very gratifying for a student because he/she is going to get all the credit for his/her achievements. Also it is easier to concentrate or focus on the assignments.
Choral responses
In their Handbook for The Art and Science of Teaching, Robert J. Marzano and John L. Brown said: “Choral responses can be used to engage students in reviewing and repeating key information, especially content that students are finding difficulty”
Based on their studies we can say that this type of interaction is student-centred because students generate their own reply to an instructional prompt and respond orally in unison.
This interaction is definitely student-centred, because in this kind of interaction the teacher may or may not intervene in the students´ work.
Student initiates, teacher answers
This interaction can be both teacher and student-centred, because teacher and