Task 1
Look at Ur’s list of patterns of interaction below. Decide whether each interaction is either more student-centred or more teacher-centred. Justify your answers.
Group work --> more student-centred: students work in small groups on tasks that entail interaction: conveying information, or group decision-making. The teacher intervenes little.
Closed-ended teacher questioning --> more teacher-centred: the teacher asks questions the students and can be used for clarifiying facts, verifying information already given or controlling a conversation.
Individual work --> more student-centred: the teacher gives a task or set of tasks, and students work on them independently; the teacher walks around monitoring and assisting where necessary. Choral responses --> more teacher-centred: the teacher gives a model which is repeated by all the class in the chorus; or gives a cue which is responded to in chorus.
Collaboration --> more student-centred: students do the same sort of tasks as in 'Individual work', but work together, usually in pairs, to try to achieve the best results they can. The teacher may or may not intervene.
Student initiates, teacher answers --> more student-centred: the students think of questions and the teacher responds, but the teacher decides who asks.
Full-class interaction --> more student-centred: the students debate a topic or do a language task as a class, the teacher may intervene occasionally, to stimulate participation or to monitor.
Teacher talk --> more teacher-centred: this may involve some kind of silent student response, such as writing from dictation, but there is no initiative on the part of the student.
Self-access --> more student-centred: students choose their own learning tasks, and work autonomously.
Open-ended teacher questioning --> more student-centred: there are a number of possible 'right' answers, so that more students answer each cue.
Task 2
Categorise each of the
Bibliography: 1. Berliner, D. C. (1987). Ways of Thinking About Students and Classrooms by More or Less Experienced Teachers. In J. Calderhead (Ed.). Exploring Teachers ' Thinking. London: Cassell Educational Limited. 2. Congebsi, James. (1997). Classroom Management Strategies. White Plains, New York: Longman. 3. Doyle, Walter. 1986. "Classroom Organization and Management." In Handbook of Research on Teaching, 3rd edition, ed. Merlin Wittrock. New York: Macmillan. 4. Doyle, Walter. 1990. "Classroom Management Techniques." In Student Discipline Strategies, Ed. Oliver C. Moles. Albany: State University of New York Press. 5. Duke, Daniel, ed. 1979. Classroom Management. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 6. Emmer, Edmund T.; Evertson, Carolyn M.; and Anderson, Linda M. 1980. "Effective Classroom Management at the Beginning of the School Year." The Elementary School Journal 7. Evertson, Carolyn M. 1985. "Training Teachers in Classroom Management: An Experiment in Secondary Classrooms." Journal of Educational Research 8. Nunan, D. 1989. Understanding language classrooms. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice 9. Weade, Regina, and Evertson, Carolyn M. 1988. "The Construction of Lessons in Effective and Less Effective Classrooms." Teaching and Teacher Education