Kachur, et.al., (2013) delineated classroom walkthroughs as brief, frequent, informal, and focused visits to classrooms by observers for the purposes of gathering data on educational practices and engaging in some type of follow-up. Moreover, Grissom, et.al. (2013) mentioned in their study that classroom walkthroughs may serve multiple purposes. Principals in the 2011 survey where they learned about the instructional practices of their teachers, 62% of principals identify unscheduled classroom walkthroughs as their primary source of information however, some principals likely make better use of their time spent in classroom walkthroughs than other principals do.
Furthermore, Bloom (in Brown, 2011) stated that other …show more content…
When the purpose is murky or when trust among teachers, principals, and central office is low, walkthrough is likely to be perceived as compliance checks, increasing distrust and tension (Kubicek, 2015). Additionally, Warren, (2014) suggested that the professional growth needs of teachers can be effectively met through walkthrough feedback. Teachers are expected to be continual, life-long learners, however, the data indicates there is a continued need for the teaching profession to continue to find strategic ways to foster the continuing growth of …show more content…
In addition to this, according to the works of Rush, et.al., (2014) one way to think about the evaluations and observation are to improve, both quality of the student and the way of teaching lessons and their teacher approach. Teachers volunteer to open their classroom to colleagues for walkthrough observation. This kind of professional setting would be an opportunity to develop positive and collegial relationships with teaching as well as further increase the tenacity of the teacher inside his or her class and preparedness for surprise walkthroughs that may take part at any time or at any degree of