
Clay Boy Conflicts

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In this story, Clay Boy experience lots of conflicts and one of them is when Clay Boy goes fine his father his father in the black church. When he enters the church everybody stares at him. When he starts walking he notices that he doesn’t know anybody in the church until, the pastier sees him and Clay Boy remembers him. When the people stared singing the song he knew the song and he wanted to sing but all he did was look at the kid next to him. When they were done singing they people made a play talking about how Jesus was born and after that Santa clause was giving people oranges and when he got to clay boy he was thinking about his dad that he said that to never take charity from people. When Clay Boy was about to leave he realize that the people in the church weren’t different and that they were the same as him.
The next conflict is when Clay Boy doesn’t want anyone to know he likes to wright about his feeling. He doesn’t tell his parents because his father thinks he is going to be disappointed in him. He think that most authors are rich and that he is not. He thinks that clay boy is not a name for an author. When clay boy dad comes to his room clay boy puts his book in his bed. When it was Christmas day and they started unwrapping there gifts his dad
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His mom tells clay boy to go fine his dad because it was already late and he wasn’t home. Clay Boy looked at his mom all weird and he went to look for him but it was cooled and his sister made him a hat for Christmas and he put that hat to go outside. When he went outside he realize that he should have brought with him a flashlight because it was dark and hard to see in the snow storm. He started walking when he felt something with his hands and realize the it was barb wire and he thought that he was close to the church were his dad was. When the snow storm calmed down he say a light and saw the church and he went inside the

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