After completing the essay, the group will use the following case study provided to develop a transition plan that includes measurable post-secondary goals and aligned activities for employment, post-secondary education and training, and independent adult living.
Case Study
Darren is a seventeen-year-old student. He is a junior at his local high school. Darren has a specific learning disability in reading. He attends the resource classroom for English classes. All other courses are in the general education setting with accommodations, modified grades (for some subjects), and push-in supports from the special education teacher at least 3 times per week for core courses requiring extensive reading and writing. He is currently decoding at the fifth grade reading level, but reading comprehension is at the third grade level. Fluency is at the fifth grade level.
Darren also has difficulty with written expression, and needs graphic organizers and pre-writing activities to help him develop a thesis statement and organize his written work. His handwriting is difficult to read and it takes him a long time to complete written assignments without assistive technology and software. He can be impulsive, and will sometimes miss important portions of written directions which results in frequent errors on assignments. He frequently turns in assignments late or not at all. He needs assistance remembering to take his medication at school and at home. He has tried to pass a driver’s license exam so he can get a driver’s permit to learn how to drive. However, his impulsivity and reading ability have affected his performance and he has not been able to pass the written exam as required by the state motor vehicle department.
Darren loves cars. He can describe makes and models of practically any vehicle and describe the type of engine and standard features. He also helps his dad and older brother work on vehicles in the