The specific elements that make up a code hero are as follows: (1) "Eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow you may die." (2) "When you're dead, you're dead." (3) "Avoid death at all cost, but don't be afraid to die." (4) "Always be disciplined, never show emotion." (5) "Grace under pressure." (6) Nada concept - a code hero is not comfortable at night. They become most active during darkness, because they fear it and try to avoid it at all times.
In the short story, "A Day's Wait," the presence of code hero traits is evident in the thoughts, words, and actions of Schatz, the main character in the story. Schatz is a small child who believes that he is going to die, yet he does not fear it. Instead, the boy lies in bed and takes it. He understands that death is an accepted reality rather than a worrisome end for a code hero. Schatz forces himself to be strong for his father. He tells him, "You don't have to stay in here with me, Papa, if it bothers you." Schatz continues to prove himself as a code hero by constantly