Cleft lip by itself- Which is most common in boys. Cleft Palate by itself-most common in girls. Then there is “Orofacial Cleft” which that is when the child has both cleft palate and a cleft lip combined and that is more common in boys as well.
The beginning of cleft lip/palate starts in utero just around the fourth and seventh week of development. During this stage of development, the facial features are starting to come together which this is called (fuse). Cleft lip/ Palate occurs when the tissue and cells are trying to fuse and do not have enough tissue to complete the lips/palate. Cleft lip can also be caught as early during the pregnancy when the mother goes and gets her first ultrasound. But cleft palate is difficult to see while in utero so most parents aren’t aware that their child has a cleft palate till after the baby is …show more content…
They are more than likely have difficulties with feeding and must use a feeding tube, must be on oxygen do to difficulty breathing, ongoing ear infections and problems with their teeth. There will be a team of specialist that the mothers obgyn referred her to when they found out the baby had a cleft. These specialists will be extremely familiar with babies that are born with cleft lips/palate. This team will recommend that repairs happens within the first years of age. This team includes a plastic surgeon which he will evaluate the baby as soon as he/she is born and will perform the surgery on the lip. An Otolaryngologist is an ear, nose and throat doctor, Oral Surgeon to reposition segments of the jaw also to improve function and appearance, Orthodontist to straighten and reposition teeth and will make a short-long term treatment, Prosthodontist to make artificial teeth, Speech Pathologist, Speech Therapist, Nurse Coordinator, social worker/ Psychiatrist, a geneticist. Along with a regular Dentist that is also familiar with clefts. Because they will have a lifelong problem with their teeth. They are more prone to cavities, some have missing teeth, have a gum and alveolar ridge defect or even extra teeth. The teeth that affected are commonly the primarily the lateral incisors. Cleft occurs between the lateral and cuspid which is known as the facial. The dentist or dental