And that being the case, our article below covers five natural ways to enhance and keep the skin fresh looking and healthy--as God meant it to be for as long as possible.
Let's begin by saying that prolonged stress, processed foods, toxins and junk food all contribute to an accelerated aging process. On the other hand, getting enough sleep, eating quality food, relaxation and exercise can slow it down the aging process significantly.
1. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Dull, flaky and saggy, loose skin all point to not having enough water in your body. Drinking at least 8-ounce …show more content…
glasses of water several times a day works wonders for your skin and overall health.
2. Eating Anti-Oxidant Rich/Organic Foods
Inflammation due to free radicals working against you is a major cause of wrinkled skin. Moreover, adding the following foods to your diet help support skin structures and even help repair visible stretch marks. So, what's the best defense strategy to help your skin? Eating anti-oxidant-rich organic foods such as:
Goji berries
Purple grapes
Dark chocolates can also turn the tide against the ravages of aging
Monitoring Your Time In The Sun
Limiting your time in the sun will help your skin dramatically; however, getting sufficient vitamin D from the sun and wearing sunglasses and sunscreen skin protection helps considerably.
4. Get Enough Quality Fat In Your Diet
Best Actress Oscar-winning star Sophia Loren, as she approaches her early 80s, credits her daily food input of extra virgin olive oil to the condition of her skin. Other oils to use on a daily basis are extra virgin organic coconut oil, flax seed oils and fish oils.
5. Body Cleanses--Both Inside and Out
Daily showers or baths and detoxing by drinking a morning glass of water with freshly-squeezed lemon juice go a long way for eliminating toxins from your skin and liver. You might even spike your lemon detox with some ginger for really telling results on your skin.
And there you have our top five natural ways to keep your skin healthy and looking younger. There are many other tips of advice, but getting started with these basic five will lay a sure foundation in keeping your skin looking good--all the