Firstly, Cleopatra’s submissiveness and political dependency on Julius Caesar proved to be less beneficial in contrast to her relationship Marc Antony. In 48BC, she was a young 22 year old trying to regain her Ptolemaic throne from her brother, she knew he was the most powerful in the world and understood that that the Roman Consul was the only one who could aid her. Bradford noted that Cleopatra realized the “only one weapon that her brother, back by his powerful advisers, did not have [was]-her sex.” (70) The speculation that she was sneakily presented to him rolled up in a carpet displayed her submissiveness
Firstly, Cleopatra’s submissiveness and political dependency on Julius Caesar proved to be less beneficial in contrast to her relationship Marc Antony. In 48BC, she was a young 22 year old trying to regain her Ptolemaic throne from her brother, she knew he was the most powerful in the world and understood that that the Roman Consul was the only one who could aid her. Bradford noted that Cleopatra realized the “only one weapon that her brother, back by his powerful advisers, did not have [was]-her sex.” (70) The speculation that she was sneakily presented to him rolled up in a carpet displayed her submissiveness