
Client Case Study

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Description of Client Situation
Precious is a seventeen year old, English speaking; African American female who has just gave birth to second child. Clients first born Daughter lives with client’s grandmother in a safe environment. Grandmother however has stated she is not able house client and second child due to fear of the client’s mother (grandmother’s daughter). Therefore, Client does not have family that can provide her safe and adequate housing in which she can stay with her infant son and have her first born daughter reunified with her in. Both of the clients Children are fathered by the client’s own biological father as a result of sexual abuse. Client has recently been tested and informed she is HIV positive. Client’s mother was sexually, verbally, emotionally and physically abusive toward client while in mothers care. Precious faced homelessness after returning home from the hospital with her newborn son in which a physical altercation occurred with her mother. This is the recent incident that has lead to precious accessing the transitional housing unit for her and her son’s safety. Client informed once returning home from the hospital her mother physically threw/dropped infant son while yelling and screaming at precious. Precious explained she went to go check on her son and remove him out of harm’s way when her mother became physically abusive towards her. After evading the physical altercation precious escaped by running
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The transitional home is for young mothers who are seeking independent living. One of the Social workers roles is providing Case Management to the clients living in the transitional home. Social workers role is providing support, accessing outside resources for multitudes of services, assisting clients in identifying and achieving personal stability and skills needed to progress into independent

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