Between different Year Level and Gender
Adalin, Edgar Jericho
Almerol, Son Roy
Decio, Louel Bernard
Pascual, Ray Christopher
Tonzo, Anjo John
People are generally unaware of climate change. The government has put into action activities that will help raise awareness of this such as the “Earth Day”. This may provide information to most but, people in rural areas seem to be less educated on climate change than those in city areas who are most affected by the government’s programs. Though most of the people are saying that they are truly aware of the environment, it is still not assured that they have high knowledge about the climate change.
Climate change is a development issue. Because of its potential to affect so many aspects of human life, it is arguably the world 's most important development issue today. Climate change is even expected to damage agriculture and threaten the food supplies. It can raise sea levels which displaces millions of people and even threatening the existence of some low-lying island states. The students should be able to recognize their limitations understanding about this issue.
This study will show just how the people in a specific community, Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus, are aware of climate change. This study will help on identifying which gender and year level are more aware of the climate change. The study will be conducted through the use of surveys to gather information, and the resulting information and data will be the bases of telling their awareness score. Each student will have awareness scores which will tell how aware the student is about the climate change.
The students were given a questionnaire or survey form and asked to answer each questions with their own current knowledge. Questions on the questionnaire or survey form were about climate change. This will test the student what they currently know about climate change. After
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