The world’s climate is not so good, in the article wrote by Thomas L. Friedman “Stuff Happens to the Environment, like Climate Change” (The New York Times) where it is explained how climate change is taken differently by all the large industrial economies, including United states. Friedman’s claim is that some candidates running for presidents do not pay attention to the severity of these problems and why voters should not vote for them, which is a good start to address climate problems. Friedman uses valid points to persuade the reader that climate change should be considered when voting for a climate-skeptic presidential candidate. Friedman talks about how the earth always finds a way to adapt to stress, but eventually the earth can get exhausted and not having the adaptive capacities. He also mentions how people need to think about climate change and environmental problems when it is time to vote, because voters do not want a president who does not care about climate problems or to have to deal with the consequences of not taking care of climate problems. As a matter of fact, Friedman uses the book “Big World, Small Planet.” by Jonah Rockstrom as a …show more content…
5) He uses emotions to persuade voters' opinion and to make them vote for a president who will take care of the ecosystem. Friedman uses connotative language, strong language, throughout the article like “except for some knuckleheads running to be our next president” (para. 1), to emphasize the idea of voting for a president who will care for the planet’s health. Friedman also uses some other pathos to make voters understand what is better for them and their kids, Friedman says “When nature goes against you, watch out” (Par. 14) with that being said Freidman tries to create fear in the readers’