The writer uses a persuasive language, which includes statistics such as "150, 000 people are dying every year", "within 50 years, one-third", "by 2010". Another important feature is that the facts are stated without giving a doubt that they could be untrue e.g. "The world is warming up", "We know that climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels". Additionally, the writer uses personal pronouns e.g. "we know", "we can" and modality e.g. "the planet will likely be hotter". Important function at also played by repetitive phrases such as "climate change", "catastrophic", "acton", "act", or "stop". …show more content…
These features also have a role to make the audience believe that human action is to blame for it occurrence, and how we as a human population can change its course. The second most obvious purpose is to invite anyone to take action in preventing climate change.
The text of "Climate change" is short itself, but rich in content. However, it appears to be obvious that its formation had to be triggered by multiple functions: informative, of awakening awareness, and to do whatever we can to prevent the changes to