This essay discusses the evidence for and against a simple clinical decision within a complex care. The clinical decision is for a newly qualified nurse …show more content…
Nevertheless, in clinical practice, these models provide a structure that can facilitate effective decision-making (Bulechek et al, 2013). One of the contemporary understanding of clinical reasoning is based on the dual process theory (Kahneman 2011): non-analytical and analytical, also referred to system one and system two respectively. This theory is a widely recognised paradigm of decision making (Balogh et al., 2016). System one processing is rapid, intuitive and is based on pattern recognition (Kahneman, 2011). It is often effective, however, highly prone to cognitive error, and the quality is usually based on healthcare professional’s’ education and experience (Croskerry et al., 2013). Similarly, Benner’s (1984) model, “from novice to expert”, a continually recognised model within clinical decision, also promotes intuition-based approach. Nonetheless, with the proviso that it can be used only by experienced healthcare professionals (Muir, 2010). On the contrary, system 2 processing is slow, logic and guided by clinical reasoning (Balogh et al., 2016 & Kahneman, 2011). Clinical intervention by system 2 is likely to be adopted in a novel situation, by novice clinician with minimal knowledge or experience or when task presented is difficult (Web et al.,