Clinical Decision Support System
This system is designed to provide better health care decision policy to the physicians and other health care persons to make clinically based treatment better for their patients. In United States (U.S) with the approval of American Recovery and Reinvestment, there are so many healthcare technologies are being into use. These technologies include Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act and Computerized Physician Order Entry. In United States Clinical Decision, the support system has commonly used the system.
In 1999, Institute of Medical (IOM) published a report that the Clinical Decision Support System and Health Information …show more content…
A study conducted in Idaho Hospital of United State has shown positive and effective result about the usage of this system. A health care specialist team of this hospital has suggested that both locally and commercially used Clinical Decision Support System are effective in improving health. According to them, this digital system is very effective in dealing with patients in a new way. The workload is being less due to this system. As far as this system is helping in this regard it also contains some hurdles. Clinical Decision Support System is a digital system so, for better and accurate result it should be properly examined. For this purpose trained and professional medical and technical staff is required. Economically this system is not available in every hospital of United States. But Government of United States is making an action plan on this issue (Ansermino, …show more content…
But this system still needs some recommendations and improvement for its further betterment. Different studies have shown the better result of this system. In last five years, the Agency of Healthcare system and Research Council review different studies which show improvement in Clinical Decision Support System. This system can make further improvement by making the availability of this system in almost every health care organization in Unites State. There are some possibilities of error while operating this system because of untrained technical staff so, for the improvement of this system staff should be