Many expert systems are built upon a domain specific knowledge-base
Many expert systems are built upon a domain specific knowledge-base
Clinical decision systems are computer based that have been in the market to improve the quality of care and the efficiency of care by a variety of settings enabled in the system. As its widely been implemented across the globe, it is crucial to understand how clinical decision system has been designed and used. It is always beneficial for us to compare two clinical decision system to check what kinds of flexibility each tool gives.…
Wager, K. A., Wickham Lee, F., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.…
References: Biswas, R. (2013). Clinical solutions and medical progress through user-driven healthcare. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference.…
A person who is a good leader is like someone who would do anything for their people. he knows what his goal is but it seems impossible. Crazy Horse, a indian who know what the right thing to do is, he was famous for leading the battle of little bighorn. After reading online sources, it is clear that Crazy horse is a brave and fearless indian leader based on the information I read.…
The quality of patient care, communication between health care staff, and the safety of patients has greatly improved since the onset of technology. Through the improvement of information technology, the ability to collect data and manage the decisions based on the data collected has enhanced in the clinical setting as well as in the business portion. Health care informatics incorporates theories from informational science, computer science, and cognitive science (Englebardt & Nelson, 2002). This information helps to gather and process it in order to make an informed decision.…
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) is not a new concept, it has been around for more than 30 years (Brino, 2014). Brino (2014) reports that even with the most sophisticated information technology (IT), reasoning is difficult for computers. Computers operate best with a set of standard rules. CDS tools should not diagnose; diagnosing should remain in the purview of the physician due to the complexity inherent with diagnosing.…
Information technology, the interpretation and management of information using computers to analyze data, is not a new concept. Computers assist people day-to-day, from simple budgeting using a home computer, to larger management of government budgets and programs. The healthcare industry, especially nursing, has been slow in embracing available technology (Simpson, 2005). Daily, nurses gather data, turn their data into information, and, analyze the information using evidence-based medicine to provide patient care. Computers provide an effective and faster way to process information, share the knowledge derived from the information, and add evidence to the nursing role (Hebda & Czar, 2009). The purpose of this paper is, to evaluate the use of informatics in my clinical area and suggest areas of improvement.…
Electronic information such as decision support tools is useful in clinical settings. Reference materials, protocols, and guidelines are provided in decision based scenarios. Providers are able to talk about important variations from a clinical pathway. There are also graphic displays that clinicians can use to see laboratory results on smart phones and/or mobile…
1. What is Clinical Decision Support and how does it benefit and/or limit the use of information when caring for patient? Clinical Decision Support provides specific information to health care staffs regarding a patient health care record, and this support system will help provide good quality care to the patient. This system has many different tools to help the health care provider an easy ways to care for the patient such as alert system, clinical guidelines, templates, and even more. With this system, I think it benefit the patient care by simply an easy communication for the staffs that are caring for that patient.…
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health care information systems: A…
Kortteisto, Komulainen, Mäkelä, Kunnamo, and Kaila (2012) stated that since the dawn of information technology in healthcare, the ultimate goals have been to help clinicians in their decision making process to prevent errors, to maximize efficiency, to enable evidence-based care, and ultimately to improve health and healthcare. Gradually, tools that support the clinical decision making process have been generally designed as clinical decision support systems (CDSS). According to O'Connor et al. (2011), the informatics nurse specialist (INS) understand the concepts and technology of nursing information management and can provide operational and strategic benefits to nursing organizations, such as seen through the implementation of the electronic…
Also, Nurses and physicians work long hours and being fatigued; it is easy to make mistakes. Advances in health information technology have improved patient safety, through the smarter design of clinical alerts. Healthcare in the United States is constantly evolving to provide safe and quality care while decreasing the incidence of medical errors. Hickcock (2011) agree while clinical decision support should not replace a provider's intuition, judgment or knowledge, it can complement the clinician's skills and improve the quality of care…
References: Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health care information systems, a practical approach for health care management. (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass Inc Pub.…
A CDSS is a technology system that consists of a variety of tools that aid providers in key decision making in patient care. Providers can use the system to key in pertinent patient data as well as clinical symptoms and receive guidance on proper clinic-based decision making. Addison, Whitcombe, & Glover (2012) found that health care providers that use a CDSS can gain quicker access to important medical diagnostic and plan of care information in providing high quality patient care and improving patient outcomes. While the recent vast inflation of medical textbook information can lead any provider to go into information overload, electronic resources can help synthesize patient-related information and provide clinical guidance in the decision-making process with patient clinical encounters. (Addison et al., 2012).…
Information technology is rapidly changing how we function in the world. Informatics encompasses not only how people transform technology, but how technology transforms us. Furthermore, it deals with the impact of technology and information on people; it is usually combined with a cognate. Clinical informatics promotes the understanding, interpretation, and application of information technology in healthcare settings; it helps to ensure quality support and best practice (Healthcare Information and Management System Society, 2015).…