
Clinical Experience In Nursing

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Clinical Experience In Nursing
This disaster clinical day was a great experience for me. As a nursing student, I have no experience about a disaster event and what to expect as a nurse. From the lecture, I understood how to triage the victims and dividing them into color categories. Emergency or red tag patients are the one that has immediate threats to life such as airway obstruction or shock, and require immediately intervention. Yellow-tag patients have major injuries that need treatment but can wait for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Green-tag patients have minor injuries that can be managed in a delay fashion. Patients who are expected to die or are dead are issued a black tag. In the real situation, it was very hard to refuse to care for black tag patients and know that they are dying without doing anything. …show more content…
I was in the workforce room and was waiting for a call. At the beginning of the day, there was a miscommunication between ASN and BSN center command. It was confuse when BSN command came and called for 3 nurses to go to the red area, then 1 minute later, ASN center command came and asked for the same thing. Communication is the most important thing during a disaster

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