The concept of Clinical Governance was dated back when the Labour government came into office in the1990s. The Labour government introduced a National Health Service White Paper to support the National Health Service (NHS) programme. In addition, an internal market was also introduced to improve the quality of care. However, quality of care in the NHS was not explicitly defined. There were variations, lapses and failures in quality of care. For example, findings from Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry (2001) where 23 deaths of cardiac surgical paediatric patients occurred were noted as variations in the clinical practices. The Royal Liverpool Children’s Inquiry (Redfern et al 2001) also encountered similar variations in clinical practices. The above cases caused enormous political and public concerns and upheavals which ultimately resulted in significant erosion in the level of confidence in the NHS. The government then decided to make changes in the NHS by focusing on improvement in the quality of care. Thus, the concept of Clinical governance was initiated (Briane 2006).
The initiative of clinical governance was based on the improvement of quality of care at all levels and also to address the issues of poor performance. These initiatives will minimise risk and in still some confidence in patients and the public about the services provided by health care organisations.
Donaldson and Scally (1998) explained clinical governance as a vehicle through which NHS organisations take responsibility for continuously monitoring and improving the quality of services and protecting the high standard of care. In effect, clinical governance creates an environment that is conducive for clinical care improvements. The key components of clinical governance
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