
Clinical Improvement In The Treatment Of Xerosis With MAI From Antera Camera Assessment

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Clinical Improvement In The Treatment Of Xerosis With MAI From Antera Camera Assessment
Figure 1 The 3D image from Antera camera assessment showed the clinical improvement in the treatment of xerosis with MAI at a baseline (A), day 14 (B) and day 28 (C) respectively.

Biophysical skin parameters Tewameter: From the Tewameter measurement, there were a decline from 8.87 ± 10.11, 5.4 ± 3.18 and 4.83 ± 1.84 g/m2h at the baseline, d14 and d28 respectively, however the result was not statistically significant (D14 p=0.111, D28 p=0.056). (Figure 2)
Corneometer: The corneometer measurement significantly illustrated a statistically significant increase of skin hydration from 26.86 ± 7.94 to 41.24 ± 6.92 and 50.49 ± 8.2 at baseline, day 14 and 28, respectively (p<0.001). (Figure 3)
Biometric evaluations: The Antera measurement showed a
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Whereas, wrinkles assessment simultaneously indicates a statistically significant decrease in D28 (6.37 ± 1.32) (p<0.001) compared with baseline (7.88 ± 1.52) and D14 (7.8 ± 2.11).
Adverse effect: The subjects were tolerated to the test agent very well. No serious adverse effects were detected or reported over the course of the study.
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In this aspect, MAI which is a non-steroidal cream, has been efficacious in several studies in children and adults with atopic dermatitis (AD) and contact dermatitis,15,16 As a result from those studies and our study, MAI has beneficially demonstrated its additional potentiality to treat many different kinds of skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and xerosis effectively.
The limitations of this study are the small sample size and short period of study. In order to ratify the efficacies of this MAI, larger sample size, longer duration and comparison with other moisturizers or steroids should be highly suggested.

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