Rachel Bisesi The topic I have chosen for Presentation Project is the Clinical Information System. According to Nanette Sayles and Kathy Trawick, who wrote "Introduction to Computer Systems for Health Information Technology”, a clinical information system is used to collect and store information related to patient care. The clinical data stored in the clinical information system (CIS) are patient identifiable and used to diagnose a patient’s condition, make decisions for treatment, monitor a patient’s current condition, and manage the overall care for that patient (Sayles & Trawick, 2014). There are many different types of clinical information systems used in the healthcare industry and maintain patient care throughout the hospital or healthcare facility in which they are used. Clinical information systems are an important part of the healthcare facility they are used in for a number of reasons, and possess many benefits. Certain focused areas of the clinical information system are clinical decision support, electronic medical records, and CISs can also be used for the purposes of research and training. The clinical decision support offers to the user the means to obtain, regulate, and present patient information in order to help the physician facilitate suitable, timely, and evidence-based clinical decisions. The electronic medical records (EMRs) encompass the patient’s information from more basic information such as name, address, his or her age, and sex, and also contains details of all aspects of care given to the patient at that facility (this can include all types of visits, like routine check-ups all the way through major surgical procedures). For training and research, the patient information can be manipulated to run reports or search for hidden information inside the database to flag certain associations or patterns between medical conditions (called data mining), which could assist the physician in overseeing the
Rachel Bisesi The topic I have chosen for Presentation Project is the Clinical Information System. According to Nanette Sayles and Kathy Trawick, who wrote "Introduction to Computer Systems for Health Information Technology”, a clinical information system is used to collect and store information related to patient care. The clinical data stored in the clinical information system (CIS) are patient identifiable and used to diagnose a patient’s condition, make decisions for treatment, monitor a patient’s current condition, and manage the overall care for that patient (Sayles & Trawick, 2014). There are many different types of clinical information systems used in the healthcare industry and maintain patient care throughout the hospital or healthcare facility in which they are used. Clinical information systems are an important part of the healthcare facility they are used in for a number of reasons, and possess many benefits. Certain focused areas of the clinical information system are clinical decision support, electronic medical records, and CISs can also be used for the purposes of research and training. The clinical decision support offers to the user the means to obtain, regulate, and present patient information in order to help the physician facilitate suitable, timely, and evidence-based clinical decisions. The electronic medical records (EMRs) encompass the patient’s information from more basic information such as name, address, his or her age, and sex, and also contains details of all aspects of care given to the patient at that facility (this can include all types of visits, like routine check-ups all the way through major surgical procedures). For training and research, the patient information can be manipulated to run reports or search for hidden information inside the database to flag certain associations or patterns between medical conditions (called data mining), which could assist the physician in overseeing the