THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter dealt with conceptualizing the research. Wherein, it provided a brief introduction about the topic that raised the intellectual curiosity of the researcher. It tackled “what” was to be studied and “why” the study was undertaken. It also discussed the extent to which the study was made, the perceived weaknesses that were anticipated and those that were beyond the control of the researcher.
“A nurse does not need knowledge or the skill, not even the attitude alone. Since these attribute acts as feet of a tripod on which a nurse stand. The devoid of one is the collapse of the others.” (Estrella, 2007)
Nurses know that psychomotor skills are important but, performance without knowledge does not constitute nursing. Nursing knowledge of health and disease processes is of little use without appropriate nursing skills to implement. The abilities to plan and organize work are of little benefit to patients or clients if the attitude that nurses value such as, caring and patience is not present; therefore, integration of the knowledge, skills and attitudes of nursing is the essential key to understanding and performing competencies.
Nursing today, faces a lot of challenges. Perhaps this is secondary to the fact that there is a continuous decline in the national passing rate of the nursing professionals. These raised an alarming concern regarding the quality of nursing education here in the Philippines. Most would even question the competency of newly licensed nurses because they believe that the academe does not provide the necessary knowledge and skills needed for entry level.
In Bulacan, nursing schools are rapidly experiencing natural death. Very few colleges remained standing to attest that they could provide quality education. Bulacan State University is one of those, however from 2008 up to present, a notable decrease in the passing rate was observed. In lieu with this, the researcher
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