Introduction Cliptomania is a Yahoo webstore that sells clip on earrings. The company was started by Jim and Candy Santo in the mid-1990s. Since then the company has grown to one of the most popular webstores on Yahoo. But with Cliptomania’s success Jim and Candy want their business to continue thriving. Business over the internet is a very fierce competitions and Cliptomania needs to be above all other jewelry web stores. In order to do that Cliptomania needs a website properly build for their business. Cliptomania needs an effective strategy in order to receive a more competitive edge. To receive this competitive edge they will use services such as listing their site on search engines and paid advertising. They will also accomplish this by maintaining good relations with their customers and vendors. Since most of their customers returned this is very important.
SWOT Analysis
The three main strengths that Cliptomania has are that there are in a niche market, they have excellent customer service, and that they are willing to learn. Selling clip on earrings is a niche market thus there is less competition so they do not have to worry that much about competitors. Another strength is that they have excellent relations with their customers and vendors. This is important because most of their customers are first time buyers and if they are please they will return for more purchases. Jim and Candy are also willing to learn. At the beginning of their journey they were unaware about most web technology but they both worked hard to understand the new concepts to advance their business.
The main weaknesses that Cliptomania has are that they have a limited vendor base, they have technology issues, they had limited resources, they had limited resources and they had problems with ordering. When Jim and Candy started their business they had a hard time finding vendors with the appropriate goods. As they were