Gauri Nada is an entrepreneur and her invention Clocky which as new generations of alarms which she considers to be the solution for the problem of waking-up in the morning.
Nada’s product has reached the media and it have created buzz in the market. it has a coverage that many of the available products in the market can’t have it in such a free way.
Consumers in the market are highly excited for this product and they also consider that it will fulfill their need regarding the issue of smooth waking in the morning and it will help to decrease the rate of being late to school of jobs.
This coverage stressed pressure on Nada who is now on many crossroads regarding the production and the introduction of the Clocky in the market of the United States.
Nada have studied each item carefully but she hasn’t reached her decision yet since she considers that her product needs more time to reach the market.
Another issue to consider is that is she benefiting from the interest og the media in her product or this will have negative effects on the products and its chances in the market.
Gauri Nada has created a product which she considers that it will be the solution to the people who find hard time to leave bed in the morning. She named the product Clocky. The innovative concept of Clocky has drawn the media attention to it, and the Buzz is created, and Clocky is considered to be a star at different media vehicles.
This media attention put Nada under pressure, since its product is not prepared yet for mass production. It is still considered as a concept product.
Nada have to take many decisions regarding the production and the marketing strategies. These decisions have to be made wisely to insure the success of the product in the market. Each item of the strategy have be calculated well and its advantages and disadvantages have to be known for Nada which consider this product to be part of her, especially that she have invested a lot of