The Reason why I also think cloning is bad because of dolly the sheep they clone him over two …show more content…
Are telling us that this will help you. Nope that is a lie because you will not be okay yeah you would survive a little live but not that much these thing they do to these people it will destroyed everything inside you and cause you a lot of pain. This is called drug , drug that will not help you more they will just ruin everything inside you these people who are telling you about cloning are a big lier they just want to kill you or worst . They put bad stuff in you that you will not last you long.
I choose this statement because of a lot of reason these reason is that they think it is good to do it and it will just help your health.i wanna tell you something people do this just to make money and make fake advertisement they tell you at first that it is all good it will protect you but no this will not protect you .The people the doctor they will lie to your faces and tell you tst you will be all fine if you take this medicine. My statement is saying that do not do cloning this is just a lie we should stop cloning and