Celie show little to no self worth through the beginning of the book. She knows Mr. ________ has a mistress and she knows it's Shug Avery. Celie doesn't seem to be bothered by this infact she seems to sort of enjoy the connection to Shug Avery and Shugs extravagant wardrobe. Celie doesn't seem to care that her husband is having so much sex with another woman, that he’s tired and weary the rest of the day and spends it sleeping. “Us don't say nothin to each other” This shows her lack of romantic relationship with Mr. ________and rather a forced mutual understanding between her and Mr. ________.
When Mr. ________ gets up and goes outside to work with Celie the first questions that come to her
are about Shug, what she looked like, how her hair was done, her lipstick, celie restrains herself from asking any questions. Its as if Celie has more interest in Shug than in Mr. ________.
Celie's writes about her self worthlessness through experiences and doesn't even know it but she is so casual and doesn't realize who she is or what she can be. Shug Avery sparks something in Celie, perhaps self worth or maybe even romance, something that Celie has yet to experience for herself.