The test subjects consisted of twenty-four couples engaged through wedlock; this research was combining tests of knowledge of each partners' significant other towards each other. The assignment was for two chairs, aligned back to back with each other. Each couple is placed in the chairs, and questioned accordingly to form a term called, "closeness-communication bias". Boaz Keysar helped study in these experiments; about communication and comparison of familiar acquaintances versus a newcomer.
Keysar is one studied author found that even if you're around your loved ones, its very possible you don't know them like imagined. The individuals involved in tests over exaggerate their knowledge of their spouse and their assumed answers. The …show more content…
Learning the concept of communication by understanding the other person involved's point of view and thoughts on the matter. By using shared meanings with verbal and non-verbal messages. The involvement with one other person within interaction to meet a higher purpose. The elements of past, future and present will affect people differently. Communication is for relating to other's through opinions and logical thinking. Another form of communication that's harder to read is; Kinesics, are non-verbal body gestures or even when a person speaks they don't express thoughts completely. To change miscommunication individuals would have to want to gain the knowledge, by asking their spouses what they think about important topics. By engaging communication and form channels to remove confusion. Inquisitive characteristics have a possibility to understand the important point of views, and may close the gap between relatives to stranger