The documentary begins as Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn, the creator, writer, and host of the public television series Closer to Truth, traces back the chain of causation as he struggles with the existence of God. As he begins to discuss the cosmological argument, he argues that there should be a cause for everything, that everything in the universe must have a cause, and that there is a need for a first cause, an uncaused cause. However, according to him, the first cause argument for God was attacked vehemently and rejected utterly.
Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn first interviewed William Lane Craig, a research professor in philosophy. The latter is a Christian philosopher, known for debating atheists. According to Craig, anything that exists has a reason or an explanation of its existence either in the necessity of its own nature or some external cause. Craig argues that if the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation would be God, a transcendent being beyond space and time and anything that begins to exist has a cause. It is rooted in the metaphysical idea that from nothing, nothing comes. Lastly, Craig argues the there is both philosophical arguments and scientific confirmation of the cosmological argument.
Quentin Smith was the second person to be interviewed by Dr. Kuhn. Smith is an atheist and a professor of philosophy. According to Smith, cause means entirely different because if people want to claim that God causes the world then God is omnipotent. Anything that God wills since He is all-powerful must happen. God’s willing to the existence of the universe is not a cause. Smith says that there is a logical contradiction between God being omnipotent and God being the first cause.
The third person Dr. Kuhn interviewed was Alister McGrath, a scientist, biophysicist, a former atheist and a professor in historical theology at Oxford University. According to McGrath, one of the great things in modern science is the quest for a