
Closing Case Chapter 4

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Closing Case Chapter 4
1. How does Ben 's age affect his decision to get an MBA?

2. What other, perhaps nonquantifiable factors, affect Ben 's decision to get an MBA?

3. Assuming all salaries are paid at the end of each year, what is the best option for Ben, from a strictly financial standpoint?
4. In choosing between the two schools, Ben believes that the appropriate analysis is to calculate the future value of each option. How would you evaluate this statement?

5. What initial salary would Ben need to receive to make him indifferent between attending Wilton University and staying in his current position? Assume his tax rate after graduating from Wilton University will be 31 percent regardless of his income level.
6. Suppose, instead of being able to pay cash for his MBA, Ben must borrow the money. The current borrowing rate is 5.4%. How would this affect his decision to get an MBA?

Answer Summary
This post discusses how does Ben 's age affect his decision to get an MBA, how do non quantifiable factors, affect Ben 's decision to get an MBA. It discusses best opinion from a strictly financial standpoint. It shows how to calculate future value of each option and discusses about the affect of decision.

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15 47,061.95 34,306.70
16 49,578.52 35,824.48
17 52,214.78 37,404.90
18 54,976.08 39,050.42
19 57,868.01 40,763.63
20 60,896.41 42,547.20
21 64,067.35 44,403.89
22 67,387.18 46,336.60
23 70,862.5...

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Rohtas Kumar, MBA
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BEng - Birla Institute of Technology and Science, IndiaMBA - Delhi UniversityCumulative rating: 4.9/5

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