Information Systems in Enterprise (ISYS - 3001 - 3)
Group B Participants-Matthew Gilliss, Arlene Gulley, Renee Hicks
Kemara Mcintyre, and Andrew Ginn
Walden University
February 10, 2013
This will be a paper that has been a group effort with Matthew Gilliss (organizer and website account setup, homepage and student webpage template), Arlene Gulley (editor/poster), Renee Hicks (compiler), Kemara Mcintyre (summary), and Andrew Ginn (editor). The URL of our website is Our goal will be to respond to specifics questions in regards to two case studies; the first, being Ben & Jerry and secondly, Bigelow Teas.
Ben & Jerry’s produce 190,000 pints of ice cream and frozen yogurt daily. It has 50,000 stores in the United States and 12 other countries. The company uses an Oracle database and BusinessObjects for tracking of business operations. They perform various transformation steps to organize long term goals for the business. It prepares strategies to stay line with technological advances. They have applied this technology to storing and manufacturing ice cream with energy efficiency warehouses. This new strategy enhances customer satisfaction, minimize inventory, and reduce manpower. (Haag & Cummings, 2009).
Closing Case Study One
Question #1
To redesign Ben & Jerry’s data warehouse the dimensions of information include frozen yogurt, ice cream, merchandise, locations, sales and shipping. This company should track all the different types of ice cream and yogurt flavors. They should also monitor these areas with the highest and lowest sales to make adjustments to save money. There should be information gathered on the merchandise being sold by Ben & Jerry. Ben & Jerry will monitor sales from stores in other locations ensuring the right merchandise is being shipped to the right location. The different dimensions are merchandise and locations.